Latvia “Communication Through Food Traditions and National Cuisine”

Latvia, Jaunmārupe primary school project “Communication is an Art” results

Presentation “Communication Through Food Traditions and National Cuisine” - a presentation compiling different national recipes from project countries, allowing a deeper cultural communication. The presentation was edited by Latvian, Estonian, Romanian and Polish teams, who later attempted to recreate recipes in order to understand the cultural depth of other countries better. Videos of Latvian national cuisine:

Communication Through Food - Potato

Communication Through Food - Apple

Communication Through Food - Debessmanna

Latvia “Communicating for Understanding”

Latvia, Jaunmārupe primary school project “Communication is an Art” results

Presentation “Communicating for Understanding” - a presentation introducing the different types of communication used around us and how different ways of communicating can convey different information. The presentation also includes various activities done by Jaunmārupes primary school, showcasing various types of communication in creative ways such as collage making, expression theater and many more.

Latvia "My country’s contribution to the European cultural heritage"

Latvia, Jaunmārupe primary school project “Communication is an Art” results

Presentation “My country’s contribution to the European cultural heritage” - a presentation documenting latvian cultural heritage on local, European and global scale. The presentation showcases nature, history, architecture, traditions, personalities, traditional culture and the basis of latvian spirit - pride and courage to do more. Such compilations serve as a great example of cultural communication and inspiration for students.

Poland- After mobility in Latvia


                        Poland-: e-book- Poland's Contribution to the European Heritage